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Most people are not intimately familiar with the ins and outs of dental procedures unless they have had to experience them, and that is okay, because it is not knowledge that everyone necessarily needs. It can complicate things, though, especially when a procedure offers some clear advantages but is new enough to be a mystery to patients. This can sometimes be the case with dental implants, and Dr. Cieplak wants to make sure that every patient considering this kind of work understands what to expect.

Bone Grafts

One of the misconceptions that many implant patients have is that the procedure requires a bone graft to complete. This is simply not true. While a bone graft is necessary for some patients, this is because the graft is needed to replace lost bone tissue in the jaw. If you are considering implants and you do not have a lot of bone loss in your jaw, then you are not going to need the extra procedure.

Healing Time

The healing time for dental implants can vary, but generally speaking you can expect to be up and eating your favorite foods in a few days to a couple of weeks at most, unless there are complications. Most aftercare instructions stress the first three days after surgery, and there are significant restrictions during that time. After that time, it is really about how the patient is healing.


Last but not least, many worry about the cost. What they need to take into account, though, is that while dental implants can cost significantly more upfront than bridge work, they do not need to be replaced regularly like bridge work does, and that means they can provide you with long-term savings if you opt for them.

If you want to know more about what to expect when you get dental implants or you are searching for a general dentist in Waldorf, MD contact our office today.

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