Enjoy more stability with full denture implants.

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Replace Missing Teeth with Implant Dentures

Dentures are an attractive treatment option for replacing missing teeth, but may not be appropriate for every patient. Since traditional dentures rest on the gums, they can cause irritation of the gum tissue and slip or shift in the mouth. Dr. Patrick Cieplak may recommend implant supported dentures, or full denture implants, as an alternative to traditional dentures.

How Implant Supported Dentures Work

We use a special technique to place a series of dental implants around the jaw. These implants serve as the foundation to support a set of dentures. Your dentures will be attached to the top of the implants and secured in place without adhesives or pastes. These dentures need at least two or more implants fused to the jaw bone for support and can be attached either with a thin metal bar and clips (bar-retained dentures) or a set of studs and sockets (ball-retained dentures).

Getting Full Denture Implants

Tooth replacement with implant supported dentures typically involves two surgeries since we need to first place the implants in the jaw and then wait for the bone and tissues to heal. After the implants are integrated into the jaw and we have exposed or placed the abutments (connector pieces), we can attach a custom set of dentures to the tops of the implants. The entire process is typically carried out over the course of several months. We will arrange all of your surgeries and fittings to suit your schedule.

Dr. Cieplak is one of only 3,000 dentists worldwide to achieve Mastership with the Academy of General Dentistry.

Implant Supported Dentures
Implant Supported Dentures
Implant Supported Dentures
Implant Supported Dentures

Need to Discuss Your Oral Health Options with Dr. Cieplak?

Learn more about full denture implants by scheduling your free consultation with Dr. Patrick Cieplak today. Contact our staff and we'll be sure to follow up with you within 24 hours.

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