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March 6 is a special occasion for your dentist in La Plata, MD, because it just so happens to be National Dentist Day! What better way to celebrate than to learn a little more about the history of this amazing profession and how far cosmetic dentistry has come in recent years?

A Brief History of Cosmetic Dentistry

Though modern dentistry is quite different than it used to be, people were starting to care for their teeth as early as 3000 BCE with sticks. Bristled toothbrushes started appearing in the 1400s, though the modern one you are likely familiar with was not developed until 1938.

As far as restorations, dental crowns and bridges started appearing in 200 CE by the Roman’s neighbors the north, the Etruscans. European dentures made their appearance in the 1400s as well, and porcelain dentures started cropping up in the 1700s. Implant dentistry made its first appearance in 1937 and was further solidified by the discovery of osseointegration in 1952. Veneers, dental fillings, and dental bonding got their starts in the 1930s and 1940s but become more like what you see today in the 1980s. It was not until the 1990s that the term “cosmetic dentist” really started making its appearance with modern restorative treatment options.

The Role of the Dentist

Though dental treatment has been around for a long time, the father of modern dentistry, Pierre Fauchard, lived in the 1700s. The first trained American dentist was John Baker, who immigrated to the U.S. in 1760. Early on, barbers often performed tooth extractions and other dental procedures as needed. Eventually, dentists started training exclusively on treating the mouth and helping patients achieve good oral health and aesthetics.

Celebrate With Us

Dentistry has come a long way over the centuries. Modern cosmetic dentistry can achieve amazing results, including restoring the full use of your mouth after losing multiple teeth. Come celebrate National Dentist Day with Dr. Patrick Cieplak and the staff at Cieplak Dental Excellence by contacting our office and scheduling an appointment.

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